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Download (right-click + save) the screenshot you need. 

logolicous intro steps
Logolicous steps HOW TO
LogoLicious Features
WYSIWYG interface LogoLicious
Overview LogoLicous app
Logolicious logo menu

Main LogoLicious WYSIWYG interface.

Tools and features visible at all time.

Full image View

All your logos automatically saved into the app for 1-click acces

Your logo anywhere
Place your text anywhere
Add protective grid

Drag and Drop your logo anywhere on top of your image.  To scale your logo: use 2 fingers touch and move

(like zoom- in/out movement).

Via the 'ADD TEXT' button you can place your own text. There are 35 pre-selected fonts to choose from, and you can change colors too. Scale your text the same way as your logos: use 2 fingers touch and move.

'SNAP ON GRID' - add a protective X on top of your images with just 1 click

Save file in High Resolution with LogoLicious
Logolicious Settings
Watermark your logo

Save your files in high or low resolution. Save directly onto your phone or share it straight to another app.


No connection required to save images, LogoLicious is a stand alone app, it will save to the Image Gallery 'LogoLicious'

Settings (clicking the top right logo in main interface) 

You can set your saving preferences here.

Easy watermarking - by adjusting the bottom slider you can easily transform your logo into a watermark.

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